by w.o.t.w of g o t h i c contac me for game/demo/intr otunes write only to: elef tsiroudis grosse heer str.65 7417 pfullingen or call: o7121/76586 elef... dont hesitate okay? look out for soon com ing demos/intros from g o t h i c some handshakes to: virgill/jester/greg/ mel o dee/16-beat/did dle/microforce/zap/co ugar/renegade/control ripguy/funky/error/ ventor/nicole/denise/ gordon/logo7/x-trade raider/irata/funny b. castor/massive/calyps o.and the rest....... i was born to save??? our environment!!!!!! drink ouzo dance sir taki eat gyros !!!!!! (c)w.o.t.w in 5/92!!!